After reading in the Sunday paper that this weekend marks the 40
th year since the Woodstock Music and Arts Festival I climbed on my trusty Trek road bike and headed out with an eclectic mix of tunes in my
IPod to power me through the August heat. Hendrix played then came Carlos and many more representing those 3 days of mayhem in
Bethel. Suddenly I realized what would become my mantra. By replacing "fight" with "bike" I began chanting "I will bike to prove I'm right" while jamming to
Chevelle. I did say it was an eclectic mix. But what exactly was I going to be right about? Growing up in the '70s I always thought I had been born 10 years too late when I finally learned of the Woodstock festival. I hadn't heard of it while it was happening because I was only 6 at the time but discovering the Who, Hendrix and Alvin Lee was much more appealing in my teens than the chart topping acts of Gary Wright and Elton John w/
Kiki Dee. Last week my wife gave me an Arizona State University cycling jersey for my birthday and after reading the
tribute to Woodstock I finally slipped it on and was
devastated. It fit more like a maternity garment than a svelte pronouncement of athleticism it was constructed for. Yes she had purchased the correct
size, XL. It finally came crashing down on me, like it or not, I am middle aged! So I peddled out of the driveway and steered towards the back roads in the western reaches of the Vally of the Sun. Feeling down trodden the music pulsed through. I could throw in the towel and admit defeat by convincing myself that most people reach the same level of sedentary
lifestyle by the time they are closer to 50 than 40. Got the house, 2 cars, travel trailer and 2 grown children living on their own. My wife Christine would also add to the list that near the 58 inch High Def television is a cushion on the couch than has a permanent indentation that could be matched to my ass. No, I really don't have to accept that my maternity jersey is fate.
After all, I used to be in great shape. After 23 years in the Navy I ran my final 1.5 mile fitness test in 9:06 at the age of 40. But then came college. I did it backwards, career then college. I entered a second full time federal career and went to
ASU full time in the evenings for 4 years rendering a degree in American Studies with a minor in Political Science. As proud as I was of finally graduating from a university I was just as much ashamed of how much weight I had gained while reaching that milestone. I told myself it would be a snap getting back into top form and the pounds will surely fall right back off. Over a year later and I'm cycling around in a spandex maternity blouse. But I don't have to be out of shape. Middle aged and soft is a choice not a right of passage! Enter
Chevelle, I will bike to prove I'm right. I am just an average guy that has always had an appreciation for music and the great outdoors. Today I am 5'10", weigh 235 lbs and have a 45" circumference. Yesterday Christine and I drove to the cooler elevations of the high country to watch the Cardinals practice during their training camp at Northern Arizona University. We were amazed by their intensity and athleticism. They nearly won the last Super Bowl and now have that hunger going into this season that will have them fighting for the national title. For me, I will bike, jog, hike, camp and explore
relentlessly to prove I'm right. I'll eventually be the svelte guy wearing the loose fitting
ASU jersey exploring the
back roads of the southwest with memories of the concert I was too young to attend filling my ears. Come along and I'll share my quest for all things adventurous (and yummy) in the glorious
Sonoran Desert and beyond.